Two Kinds of Americans

  Lately, it’s been more than difficult to watch the news and it is becoming even harder to bear witness to our country’s slow and agonizing destruction. It is as if we are passengers on a plane that has been hijacked by a group...

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simply fantastic!

this article was amazing in every way. this article was well researched and an interesting read. you really understand where this once great country is heading and how. I just wish the masses could read this article to...

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The ideas behind these anti-Walmart accusations are pointing at ethics, not law. Ethics is opinion based, so what one finds unethical another may find acceptable. Personally, I believe convenience is only a blessing to a certain...

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re; voting in america

voting implies consent. when you vote, IF you vote, you signal, by the action of voting, duh….that you are on board, you are ok with , you AGREE WITH whatever the guy you voted for decides to do. if you decide in the...

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A baby in the womb is a human being

A baby in a mother’s womb has it’s own fingerprints, gender, and DNA, is a body unto itself, and a human being worthy of respect and dignity. It can also survive outside the womb at a very young age in an incubator....

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Huge Step Backwards

I do believe that making abortion illigeal would be a huge step BACKWARDS. A woman has a right to say what she will do with her own body and what happens to her own body. I can readily respect your beliefs as long as you...

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Time to outlaw guns…

  Well, it is finally time to outlaw guns. Surely if we outlaw guns, things like this will never happen again. I mean after all, if law abiding citizens can’t get guns then we won’t have any more senseless, accidental...

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