Author: admin

Huge Step Backwards

I do believe that making abortion illigeal would be a huge step BACKWARDS. A woman has a right to say what she will do with her own body and what happens to her own body. I can readily respect your beliefs as long as you don’t impose them on me and my body. Abortion only in cases of rape causes me to wonder how many false rape charges will be filed in order to have ones choice of abortion fulfilled. It’s ridiculous and backwards. I am a Republican who WILL be voting Republican, but I am in no way in agreement with Romney/Ryan or the Republican party on this issue, and in fact believe that the Republican party needs to RETHINK this issue. We lose far too many intelligent voters just on this one issue, and the good of the country on so many important issues gets clouded due to the division of opinion on this...

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The Hypocrisy of Biden’s “Morality” on the Abortion Issue

While Paul Ryan did pretty well defending the point that abortion is principally and morally wrong during the debate last night, what he didn’t do was call Joe Biden out on his hypocrisy on the issue. Liberals hate it more than anything when you reveal their own double standard to them. After hearing Joe Biden assert his personal beliefs against abortion, Ryan should have asked, “If in principle abortion is wrong and you would never imagine it for yourself or your family, than why is it just fine for someone else? Are there other principles in which you believe yet do not defend?” Then he could have revealed the arrogance of Biden’s point of view by saying, “Do you hold yourself to a higher standard than other persons? Principles are principles and we impose them on society everyday. There are laws against murder, and abortion is murder. Law enforcement agents tell people what to do with their own bodies when we enforce seatbelt laws and laws against illegal drug use. We, as leaders of this fine country that was founded on principles that are true and good, should uphold those priniciples and should be concerned for the safety and well-being of its citizens.” Planned Parenthood is one of the most unsafe and unsanitary facilities in our country. Women have suffered terrible consequences physically, psychologically, and emotionally, from having abortions....

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The Complicated Convenience of Contraception

OK let’s be honest. A life without contraceptives would be a difficult life for many of us to live. Seriously, why does the church insist on tormenting all of humanity with such ancient rules and constraints? I have to say, after approximately forty years of rebuffing the church’s admonitions I’ve finally come to see the wisdom behind the admonishment. Or more precisely, her natural and protective instinct behind her loving reproof. I was sitting in a Moral Theology class one day and my professor ever so eloquently explained it this way: In marriage what the church desires for the husband and wife is the experience of pure, unadulterated, complete conjugal unity whereby “the two become one flesh” (Mark 10:8). Artificial contraceptives inhibit this experience by obstructing the total reciprocal gift of self. The sincere gift of self comes from self-mastery and is free from constraint, wherein man exemplifies the image of God in the moment of communion. A love withheld is not love in its purest form and will not permit us to reach the fullness of our humanity.  Maybe you’re thinking, this all sounds like a nice fantasy. Or maybe you’ve heard this before and perhaps it hasn’t resonated with you as it did with me that day. If this is so, we are free to live our lives according to our choosing, and the beauty of our...

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“I Will Not Raise Taxes on the Middle Class”

Remember when the Amateur in the White House spouted those words? The exact quote was, “If you are a family making less than $250,000, my plan will not raise your taxes. Period.” So let’s look: – The ObamaCare Medical Device Manufacturing Tax This 2.3 percent tax on medical device makers will raise the price of (for example) every pacemaker, prosthetic limb, stent, and operating table. Can you remind us, Mr. President, how taxing medical devices will reduce the cost of health care? – The ObamaCare High Medical Bills Tax This onerous tax provision will hit Americans facing the highest out-of-pocket medical bills. Currently, Americans are allowed to deduct medical expenses on their 1040 form to the extent the costs exceed 7.5 percent of one’s adjusted gross income. The new ObamaCare provision will raise that threshold to 10 percent, subjecting patients to a higher tax bill. – The ObamaCare Flexible Spending Account Cap The 24 million Americans who have Flexible Spending Accounts will face a new federally imposed $2,500 annual cap. The cap will also affect families with special-needs children, whose tuition can be covered using FSA funds. Special-needs tuition can cost up to $14,000 per child per year. – The ObamaCare Surtax on Investment Income Under current law, the capital gains tax rate for all Americans rises from 15 to 20 percent in 2013, while the top dividend rate...

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Time to outlaw guns…

  Well, it is finally time to outlaw guns. Surely if we outlaw guns, things like this will never happen again. I mean after all, if law abiding citizens can’t get guns then we won’t have any more senseless, accidental killing, right.  I’m sure it wasn’t just gang violence,  gang rivalries, black gangs, latino gangs….. I am sure these were law abiding citizens and the guns were legally obtained for just legal purposes.  And those darn hoodies again. I’m sure if Odumbo, the Imposter-in-Chief, had a son, he would have looked like the 15 – 17 year old black kid wearing a hoodie who did the shooting, or like Trayvon (who was also wearing a hoodie, hmmmmm) but not like Jamison Knight apparently ……..  1-year-old boy shot dead in father’s arms on Los Angeles sidewalk  Published June 05, 2012 | Associated Press  LOS ANGELES –  A gunman on a bicycle shot a father as he cradled his 1-year-old boy in his arms on a South Los Angeles street, killing the infant, police said Tuesday. The 24-year-old father was attacked Monday evening on a sidewalk in an area that has been plagued by gang violence, police said. The gunman appeared to be a 15- to 17-year-old boy in a hoodie sweatshirt, police said. He rode past the father and fired several shots, police Capt. Phillip Tingirides told KCAL-TV. The...

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